Beginners guide of terms and standards required

All tests and trials are run under UK Kennel Club Field Trial rules and regulations (J Regs). 

PDF download at this link:


PUPPY: Confined to dogs of specific breed or breeds less than eighteen months of age on the date of the test.

NOVICE DOG/NOVICE HANDLER: (unclassified) Neither Handler or Dog to have gained any award in a field trial or classified working test or won a ND/NH test

NOVICE: Confined to dogs which have not gained a place or certificate of merit at a field trial, been placed first, second or third in an Open GWT or first in a Novice GWT held in accordance with Kennel Club Rules and Field Trial Regulations.

(A 1st in a Puppy Stake or a 1st in a Novice Dog/Novice Handler is discounted for this purpose).

To enter a novice test the dog needs to be steady, one that can heel and sit beside you off lead. This is because during a test your dog will be off lead at all times. Dummies will be thrown; shots from a starter pistol will be fired but you will not be able to send your dog until the Judge tells you to. So it is really important that your dog is steady to dummies and gunfire (shot) and being around other people and won't run in.

OPEN: Open to all dogs although preference may be given to dogs which have gained an award or Certificate of Merit at a Field Trial, been placed 1st, 2nd, 3rd or 4th in an Open GWT or won a Novice GWT held in accordance with KC rules and FT regulations.

The standard of work that is expected in Field Trials is high. Dogs are expected to be able to sit throughout a Drive (In a ‘Driven’ Field Trial), or as the ‘line’ walks forward through a field with game flushing around them (at a ‘Walked Up’ Field Trial), off the lead, and remain steadily at their handlers side as game, both dead and wounded, falls around them.  also to be completely quiet with no noise from either the handler commanding his dog to ‘Stay’ or the dog, whining, barking or squeaking in any way. This can be very taxing for many dogs, including those who attend a shoot regularly, so specific training needs to take place on a simulated Field Trial training day, or similar before a handler considers his dog ready to attend one. Contacting a Field Trial Secretary and offering to help is always the very best way to view the requirements of a Field Trial without actually entering one, and help is always very welcome!

VETERAN (Unclassified): Open to all dogs aged EIGHT YEARS or over on the day before the Test is run


  • Most of the judges, helpers, committee members and officers currently run dogs and are missing the opportunity to compete, in order to organise and help for your benefit.
  • Please volunteer to help at Tests so that others have the opportunity to compete with their own dogs. You will learn a lot by helping Tests and Field Trials. The Suffolk club will always welcome new helpers for any event.